10. API: SodaOperation Class

You can chain together SodaOperation methods to specify read or write operations against a collection.


In this release, SODA is only supported in the node-oracledb Thick mode. See Enabling node-oracledb Thick Mode.

SODA can be used with Oracle Database 18.3 and above, when node-oracledb uses Oracle Client 18.5 or Oracle Client 19.3, or later.

Non-terminal SodaOperation methods return the same object on which they are invoked, allowing them to be chained together.

A terminal SodaOperation method always appears at the end of a method chain to execute the operation.

A SodaOperation object is an internal object. You should not directly modify its properties.

10.1. Non-terminal SodaOperation Methods

Non-terminal SodaOperation methods are chained together to set criteria that documents must satisfy. At the end of the chain, a single terminal method specifies the operation to be performed on the matching documents.

When a non-terminal method is repeated, the last one overrides the earlier one. For example if find().key("a").key("b")... was used, then only documents with the key “b” are matched. If find().keys(["a","b"]).key("c")... is used, then only the document with the key “c” is matched.


New in version 5.0.

fetchArraySize(Number size)

Sets the size of an internal buffer used for fetching documents from a collection with the terminal SodaOperation methods getCursor() and getDocuments(). Changing size may affect performance but does not affect how many documents are returned.

If fetchArraySize() is not used, the size defaults to the current value of oracledb.fetchArraySize.

For node-oracledb examples, see SODA Query-by-Example Searches for JSON Documents.

It requires Oracle Client 19.5 or later, and Oracle Database 18.3 or later.


New in version 3.0.

filter(Object filterSpec)

Sets a filter specification for the operation, allowing for complex document queries and ordering of JSON documents. Filter specifications can include comparisons, regular expressions, logical, and spatial operators, among others. See Overview of SODA Filter Specifications (QBEs) and SODA Filter Specifications (Reference).

For node-oracledb examples, see SODA Query-by-Example Searches for JSON Documents.


New in version 5.2.

hint(String hint)

The hint() value can be used to pass an Oracle hint to terminal SodaOperation Methods. It is string in the same format as a SQL hint but without any comment characters, for example hint("MONITOR"). Pass only the hint "MONITOR" (turn on monitoring) or "NO_MONITOR" (turn off monitoring). See the Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide documentation MONITOR and NO_MONITOR Hints and Monitoring Database Operations for more information.

It requires Oracle Client 21.3 or higher (or Oracle Client 19 from 19.11).


New in version 3.0.

key(String value)

Sets the key value to be used to match a document for the operation. Any previous calls made to this method or keys() will be ignored.

SODA document keys are unique.


New in version 3.0.

keys(Array value)

Sets the keys to be used to match multiple documents for the operation. Any previous calls made to this method or sodaOperation.key() will be ignored.

SODA document keys are unique.

A maximum of 1000 keys can be used.


New in version 3.0.

limit(Number n)

Sets the maximum number of documents that a terminal method will apply to. The value of n must be greater than 0. The limit is applied to documents that match the other SodaOperation criteria. The limit() method only applies to SodaOperation read operations like getCursor() and getDocuments(). If a filter $orderby is not used, the document order is internally defined.

The limit() method cannot be used in conjunction with count().


New in version 6.2.


Locks the documents fetched from the collection.

Using lock() allows for pessimistic locking, that is, only the current user that performed the lock can modify the documents in the collection. Other users can only perform operations on these documents once they are unlocked. The functionality of this method is equivalent to the SELECT FOR UPDATE clause.

The documents can be unlocked with an explicit call to commit() or rollback() on the connection. Ensure that the oracledb.autoCommit is set to false for the connection. Otherwise, the documents will be unlocked immediately after the operation is complete.

This method should only be used with read operations (other than count()), and should not be used in conjunction with non-terminal methods skip() and limit().

If this method is specified in conjunction with a write operation, then this method is ignored.

This method requires Oracle Client 21.3 or later (or Oracle Client 19 from 19.11).


New in version 3.0.

skip(Number n)

Sets the number of documents that will be skipped before the terminal method is applied. The value of n must be greater or equal to 0. The skip applies to documents that match the other SodaOperation criteria.

If a filter $orderby is not used, the document order (and hence which documents are skipped) is internally defined.

The skip() method only applies to SodaOperation read operations like getDocuments(). It cannot be used with count().


New in version 3.0.

version(String value)

Sets the document version that documents must have.

This is typically used in conjunction with a key, for example collection.find().key("k").version("v").replaceOne(doc).

Using version() allows for optimistic locking, so that the subsequent SodaOperation terminal method does not affect a document that someone else has already modified. If the requested document version is not matched, then your terminal operation will not impact any document. The application can then query to find the latest document version and apply any desired change.

10.2. Terminal SodaOperation Methods

A terminal SodaOperation method operates on the set of documents that satisfy the criteria specified by previous non-terminal methods in the method chain. Only one terminal method can be used in each chain.


New in version 3.0.


promise = count();

Finds the number of documents matching the given SodaOperation query criteria.

If skip() or limit() are set, then count() will return an error.

If oracledb.autoCommit is true, and count() succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is committed.


If you are using the callback programming style:

count(function (Error error, Object result){});

The parameters of the callback function function (Error error, Object result) are:

Callback Function Parameter


Error error

If count() succeeds, error is NULL. If an error occurs, then error contains the error message.

Object result

The result object contains one attribute:

Number count

The number of documents matching the SodaOperation criteria.

Due to Node.js type limitations, the largest count value will be 232 - 1, even if more rows exist. Larger values will wrap.


New in version 3.0.


promise = getCursor()

Returns a SodaDocumentCursor for documents that match the SodaOperation query criteria. The cursor can be iterated over with sodaDocumentCursor.getNext() to access each SodaDocument.

When the application has completed using the cursor it must be closed with sodaDocumentCursor.close().

If the number of documents is known to be small, it is recommended to use sodaOperation.getDocuments() instead.

If oracledb.autoCommit is true, and getCursor() succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is committed.


If you are using the callback programming style:

getCursor(function(Error error, SodaDocumentCursor cursor){});

The parameters of the callback function function(Error error, SodaDocumentCursor cursor) are:

Callback Function Parameter


Error error

If getCursor() succeeds, error is NULL. If an error occurs, then error contains the error message.

SodaDocumentCursor cursor

A cursor that can be iterated over to access SodaDocument objects matching the SodaOperation search criteria.


New in version 3.0.


promise = getDocuments();

Gets an array of SodaDocuments matching the SodaOperation query criteria. An empty array will be returned when no documents match.

Where the number of matching documents is known to be small, this API should be used in preference to sodaOperation.getCursor().

If oracledb.autoCommit is true, and getDocuments() succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is committed.


If you are using the callback programming style:

getDocuments(function(Error error, Array documents){});

The parameters of the callback function function(Error error, Array documents) are:

Callback Function Parameter


Error error

If getDocuments() succeeds, error is NULL. If an error occurs, then error contains the error message.

Array documents

An array of SodaDocuments that match the SodaOperation query criteria.


New in version 3.0.


promise = getOne();

Obtains one document matching the SodaOperation query criteria. If the criteria match more than one document, then only the first is returned.

Typically getone() should be used with key(k) or key(k).version(v) to ensure only one document is matched.

If oracledb.autoCommit is true, and getOne() succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is committed.


If you are using the callback programming style:

getOne(function(Error error, SodaDocument document){});

The parameters of the callback function function(Error error, SodaDocument document) are:

Callback Function Parameter


Error error

If getOne() succeeds, error is NULL. If an error occurs, then error contains the error message.

SodaDocument document

One SodaDocument that matches the sodaOperation query criteria. If no document is found, then document will be undefined.


New in version 3.0.


promise = remove();

Removes a set of documents matching the SodaOperation query criteria.

Note settings from skip() and limit() non-terminals are ignored because they only apply to read operations.

If oracledb.autoCommit is true, and remove() succeeds, then removal and any open transaction on the connection is committed.


If you are using the callback programming style:

remove(function(Error error, Object result){});

The parameters of the callback function function(Error error, Object result) are:

Callback Function Parameter


Error error

If remove() succeeds, error is NULL. If an error occurs, then error contains the error message.

Object result

The result object contains one attribute:


The number of documents removed from the collection.

Due to Node.js type limitations, the largest count value will be 232 - 1, even if Oracle Database removed more rows. Larger values will wrap.


New in version 3.0.


promise = replaceOne(Object newDocumentContent);
promise = replaceOne(SodaDocument newSodaDocument);

Replaces a document in a collection. The input document can be either a JavaScript object representing the data content, or it can be an existing SodaDocument.

The mediaType document component and content of the document that matches the SodaOperation query criteria will be replaced by the content and any mediaType document component of the new document. Any other document components will not be affected. The lastModified and version document components of the replaced document will be updated.

The key() non-terminal must be used when using replaceOne().

No error is reported if the operation criteria do not match any document.

Note settings from skip() and limit() non-terminals are ignored because they only apply to read operations.

If oracledb.autoCommit is true, and replaceOne() succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is committed.

The parameters of the sodaOperation.replaceOne() method are:

Table 10.1 sodaOperation.replaceOne() Parameters


Data Type


newDocumentContent or newSodaDocument

Object or SodaDocument

The new document. See sodaCollection.insertOne(), which has the same semantics for the document.


If you are using the callback programming style:

replaceOne(Object newDocumentContent, function(Error error, Object result){});
replaceOne(SodaDocument newSodaDocument, function(Error error, Object result){});

See sodaOperation.replaceOne() Parameters for information on the parameters.

The parameters of the callback function function(Error error, Object result) are:

Callback Function Parameter


Error error

If replaceOne() succeeds, error is NULL. It is not an error if no document is replaced. If an error occurs, then error contains the error message.

Object result

The result object contains one attribute:


This attribute will be true if the document was successfully replaced, false otherwise.


New in version 3.0.


promise = replaceOneAndGet(Object newDocumentContent);
promise = replaceOneAndGet(SodaDocument newSodaDocument);

Replaces a document in a collection similar to sodaOperation.replaceOne(), but also returns the result document which contains all SodaDocument components (key, version, etc.) except for content. Content itself is not returned for performance reasons. The result document has new values for components that are updated as part of the replace operation (such as version, last-modified timestamp, and media type)

If oracledb.autoCommit is true, and replaceOneAndGet() succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is committed.

The parameters of the sodaOperation.replaceOneAndGet() method are:

Table 10.2 sodaOperation.replaceOneAndGet() Parameters


Data Type


newDocumentContent or newSodaDocument

Object or SodaDocument

The new document. See sodaCollection.insertOne(), which has the same semantics for the document.


If you are using the callback programming style:

replaceOneAndGet(Object newDocumentContent, function(Error error, SodaDocument updatedDocument){});
replaceOneAndGet(SodaDocument newSodaDocument, function(Error error, SodaDocument updatedDocument){});

See sodaOperation.replaceOneAndGet() Parameters for information on the parameters.

The parameters of the callback function function(Error error, SodaDocument updatedDocument) are:

Callback Function Parameter


Error error

If replaceOneAndGet() succeeds, error is NULL. It is not an error if no document is replaced. If an error occurs, then error contains the error message.

SodaDocument updatedDocument

The updated SodaDocument if replacement was successful, otherwise updatedDocument will be undefined.

The lastModified and version attributes of the stored SodaDocument will be updated. The mediaType attribute and the content will be replaced. Other attributes of newSodaDocument are ignored.

Note for performance reasons, updatedDocument will not have document content and cannot itself be passed directly to SODA insert or replace methods.