14. Using Oracle Database Objects and Collections

You can query and insert most Oracle Database objects and collections, with some limitations.

Both the node-oracledb Thin and Thick modes support Oracle Database Objects. The node-oracledb Thin mode does not support Oracle Database Objects that contain LOBs.

14.1. Inserting Objects

Performance-sensitive applications should consider using scalar types instead of objects. If you do use objects, avoid calling connection.getDbObjectClass() unnecessarily, and avoid objects with large numbers of attributes. Using the type’s fully qualified name can help performance.

As an example, the Oracle Spatial type SDO_GEOMETRY can easily be used in node-oracledb. Describing SDO_GEOMETRY in SQL*Plus shows:

Name                                      Null?    Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
SDO_GTYPE                                          NUMBER
SDO_SRID                                           NUMBER
SDO_POINT                                          MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE
SDO_ELEM_INFO                                      MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY
SDO_ORDINATES                                      MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY

In Node.js, a call to connection.getDbObjectClass() returns a DbObject prototype object representing the database type:

const GeomType = await connection.getDbObjectClass("MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY");

This gives:

DbObject {
    schema: 'MDSYS',
    name: 'SDO_GEOMETRY',
    {   SDO_GTYPE: { type: 2010, typeName: 'NUMBER' },
        SDO_SRID: { type: 2010, typeName: 'NUMBER' },
        {   type: 2023,
            typeName: 'MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE',
            typeClass: [Object] },
        {   type: 2023,
            typeName: 'MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY',
            typeClass: [Object] },
        {   type: 2023,
            typeName: 'MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY',
            typeClass: [Object] } },
        isCollection: false }

The type value of 2023 corresponds to the oracledb.DB_TYPE_OBJECT constant. The value 2010 corresponds to oracledb.DB_TYPE_NUMBER.

Now the object prototype has been found, an object can be created by passing a JavaScript object to the constructor.


The case of the attributes is important.

Attributes not assigned values will default to null. Extra attributes set that are not present in the database object will be ignored.

const geom = new GeomType(
        SDO_GTYPE: 2003,
        SDO_SRID: null,
        SDO_POINT: null,
        SDO_ELEM_INFO: [ 1, 1003, 3 ],
        SDO_ORDINATES: [ 1, 1, 5, 7 ]

An alternative to instantiating the whole object at once is to set individual attributes:

const geom = new GeomType();
geom.S_GTYPE = 2003;
. . .

Once created, the DbObject in geom can then be bound for insertion. For example, if TESTGEOMETRY was created as:

CREATE TABLE testgeometry (id NUMBER, geometry MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY)

Then the INSERT statement would be:

await connection.execute(
    `INSERT INTO testgeometry (id, geometry) VALUES (:id, :g)`,
    {id: 1, g: geom}

Node-oracledb automatically detects the type for geom.

Insertion can be simplified by setting the bind parameter type to the name of the Oracle Database object and passing a JavaScript object as the bind value:

await connection.execute(
    `INSERT INTO testgeometry (id, geometry) VALUES (:id, :g)`,
        id: 1,
        g: {
            type: "MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY",
            val: {
                SDO_GTYPE: 2003,
                SDO_SRID: null,
                SDO_POINT: null,
                SDO_ELEM_INFO: [ 1, 1003, 3 ],
                SDO_ORDINATES: [ 1, 1, 5, 7 ]

For objects that are nested, such as SDO_GEOMETRY is, you only need to give the name of the top level object.

See selectgeometry.js for a runnable example.

When handling multiple objects of the same type, then use fully qualified names like “MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY” instead of “SDO_GEOMETRY”. Alternatively retain, and use, the prototype object returned by connection.getDbObjectClass(). Node-oracledb will cache type information using the type’s fully qualified name as the key to avoid the expense of a round-trip, when possible. Each connection has its own cache.

When the definition of a type changes in the database, such as might occur in a development environment, you should fully close connections to clear the object caches used by node-oracledb and the Oracle client libraries. For example, when using a pool you could use await connection.close({drop: true}), or restart the pool. Then getDbObjectClass() can be called again to get the updated type information.

14.2. Fetching Objects

When objects are fetched, they are represented as a DbObject.

Note that LOBs will be represented as Lob objects regardless of any fetchAsString, fetchAsBuffer, or fetchInfo setting.

If oracledb.dbObjectAsPojo is set to true, then queried objects and OUT bind objects are returned as “plain old JavaScript objects” instead of being database-backed. The setting can help performance if an object’s attributes are accessed multiple times. However if only a few object attributes are accessed, or attributes are accessed once, then it may be more efficient to keep dbObjectAsPojo false. Setting dbObjectAsPojo to true also allows applications to close connections before any attributes are accessed unless LOBs are involved.

Accessing a DbObject is the same whichever value of dbObjectAsPojo you use. For example:

result = await connection.execute(`SELECT geometry FROM testgeometry WHERE id = 1`);
o = result.rows[0][0];

This gives:

    SDO_SRID: null,
    SDO_POINT: null,
    SDO_ELEM_INFO: [ 4, 1003, 3 ],
    SDO_ORDINATES: [ 4, 8, 5, 9 ] }

The SDO_ELEM_INFO attribute is itself a DbObject. The following code



[MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY] [ 1, 1003, 3 ]

If a DbObject is for an Oracle Database collection, the dbObject.isCollection attribute will be true.

console.log(o.isCollection);                // false
console.log(o.SDO_ELEM_INFO.isCollection);  // true

For DbObjects representing Oracle collections, methods such as dbObject.getKeys() and dbObject.getValues() can be used:

console.log(o.SDO_ELEM_INFO.getKeys());    // [ 0, 1, 2 ]
console.log(o.SDO_ELEM_INFO.getValues());  // [ 1, 1003, 3 ]

The options fetchAsBuffer and oracledb.fetchAsString do not affect values in objects queried from the database.

LOBs will be fetched as Lob objects. The lob.getData() method is a convenient way to retrieve the data. Note it is an asynchronous method and requires a round-trip to the database.

14.3. PL/SQL Collection Types

PL/SQL has three collection types: associative arrays, VARRAY (variable-size arrays), and nested tables. See Collection Types in the Database PL/SQL Language Reference.

14.3.1. PL/SQL Collection Associative Arrays (Index-by)

Arrays can be bound to PL/SQL IN, IN OUT, and OUT parameters of PL/SQL INDEX BY associative array types with integer keys. This Oracle type was formerly called PL/SQL tables or index-by tables.

While you could bind associative arrays via named types as shown in previous examples, it is more efficient to use the method shown below which uses the type of each element, not the name of the associative array type. Note that if you use named types for BIND_IN, then the resulting arrays in PL/SQL will start from index 0. The method shown below results in indexes starting from 1. (Using named type binding for nested tables and VARRAYs results in indexes starting from 1).

Given this table and PL/SQL package:


CREATE TABLE mytab (id NUMBER, numcol NUMBER);

    PROCEDURE myinproc(p_id IN NUMBER, vals IN numtype);
    PROCEDURE myoutproc(p_id IN NUMBER, vals OUT numtype);


    PROCEDURE myinproc(p_id IN NUMBER, vals IN numtype) IS
        FORALL i IN INDICES OF vals
            INSERT INTO mytab (id, numcol) VALUES (p_id, vals(i));

    PROCEDURE myoutproc(p_id IN NUMBER, vals OUT numtype) IS
        SELECT numcol BULK COLLECT INTO vals FROM mytab WHERE id = p_id ORDER BY 1;


To bind an array in node-oracledb using “bind by name” syntax for insertion into mytab use:

const result = await connection.execute(
    `BEGIN mypkg.myinproc(:id, :vals); END;`,
        id: 1234,
        vals: { type: oracledb.NUMBER,
                dir: oracledb.BIND_IN,
                val: [1, 2, 23, 4, 10]

Alternatively, “bind by position” syntax can be used:

const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN mypkg.myinproc(:id, :vals); END;`,
    {   type: oracledb.NUMBER,
        dir: oracledb.BIND_IN,
        val: [1, 2, 23, 4, 10]

After executing either of these mytab will contain:

   ID         NUMCOL
---------- ----------
    1234          1
    1234          2
    1234         23
    1234          4
    1234         10

The type must be set for PL/SQL array binds. It can be set to oracledb.STRING, oracledb.DB_TYPE_VARCHAR, oracledb.NUMBER, oracledb.DB_TYPE_NUMBER, oracledb.DB_TYPE_NVARCHAR, oracledb.DB_TYPE_CHAR, oracledb.DB_TYPE_NCHAR, oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT, oracledb.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE, oracledb.DB_TYPE_DATE, oracledb.DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, oracledb.DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ, oracledb.DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ or oracledb.DB_TYPE_RAW.

For OUT and IN OUT binds, the maxArraySize bind property must be set. Its value is the maximum number of elements that can be returned in an array. An error will occur if the PL/SQL block attempts to insert data beyond this limit. If the PL/SQL code returns fewer items, the JavaScript array will have the actual number of data elements and will not contain null entries. Setting maxArraySize larger than needed will cause unnecessary memory allocation.

For IN OUT binds, maxArraySize can be greater than the number of elements in the input array. This allows more values to be returned than are passed in.

For IN binds, maxArraySize is ignored, as also is maxSize.

For IN OUT or OUT binds that are returned as String or Buffer, the maxSize property may be set. If it is not set the memory allocated per string will default to 200 bytes. If the value is not large enough to hold the longest data item in the collection, then a runtime error occurs. To avoid unnecessary memory allocation, do not let the size be larger than needed.

The next example fetches an array of values from a table. First, insert these values:

INSERT INTO mytab (id, numcol) VALUES (99, 10);
INSERT INTO mytab (id, numcol) VALUES (99, 25);
INSERT INTO mytab (id, numcol) VALUES (99, 50);

With these values, the following node-oracledb code will print [ 10, 25, 50 ].

const result = await connection.execute(
    `BEGIN mypkg.myoutproc(:id, :vals); END;`,
        id: 99,
        vals: { type: oracledb.NUMBER,
                dir:  oracledb.BIND_OUT,
                maxArraySize: 10          // allocate memory to hold 10 numbers


If maxArraySize was reduced to 2, the script would fail with:

ORA-06513: PL/SQL: index for PL/SQL table out of range for host language array

See Oracledb Constants and execute(): Bind Parameters for more information about binding.

See plsqlarray.js for a runnable example.

14.3.2. PL/SQL Collection VARRAY Types

Given a table with a VARRAY column:

    shirtnumber  NUMBER,
    name         VARCHAR2(20));

CREATE TYPE teamtype AS VARRAY(10) OF playertype;

CREATE TABLE sports (sportname VARCHAR2(20), team teamtype);

You can insert values using:

  await connection.execute(
      `INSERT INTO sports (sportname, team) VALUES (:sn, :t)`,
          sn: "Hockey",
              type: "TEAMTYPE",
                  {SHIRTNUMBER: 11, NAME: 'Georgia'},
                  {SHIRTNUMBER: 22, NAME: 'Harriet'}

// Alternatively:

  TeamTypeClass = await connection.getDbObjectClass("TEAMTYPE");

  hockeyTeam = new TeamTypeClass(
          {SHIRTNUMBER: 22, NAME: 'Elizabeth'},
          {SHIRTNUMBER: 33, NAME: 'Frank'},

  await connection.execute(
      `INSERT INTO sports (sportname, team) VALUES (:sn, :t)`,
          sn: "Hockey",
          t: hockeyTeam

Querying the table could be done like:

result = await connection.execute(
    `SELECT sportname, team FROM sports`,
        outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT
for (row of result.rows) {
    console.log("The " + row.SPORTNAME + " team players are:");
    for (const player of row.TEAM) {
        console.log("  " + player.NAME);

The output would be:

The Hockey team players are:

See selectvarray.js for a runnable example.

14.3.3. PL/SQL Collection Nested Tables

Given a nested table staffList:

CREATE TABLE bonuses (id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(20));

    TYPE staffList IS TABLE OF bonuses%ROWTYPE;
    PROCEDURE awardBonuses (goodStaff staffList);
END personnel;

    PROCEDURE awardBonuses (goodStaff staffList) IS
        FORALL i IN INDICES OF goodStaff
            INSERT INTO bonuses (id, name) VALUES (goodStaff(i).id, goodStaff(i).name);

you can call awardBonuses() like:

plsql = `CALL personnel.awardBonuses(:gsbv)`;

binds = {
        type: "PERSONNEL.STAFFLIST",
            {ID: 1, NAME: 'Chris' },
            {ID: 2, NAME: 'Sam' }

await connection.execute(plsql, binds);

Similar with other objects, calling connection.getDbObjectClass() and using a constructor to create a DbObject for binding can also be used.

14.4. PL/SQL RECORD Types

PL/SQL RECORDS can be bound for insertion and retrieval. This example uses the PL/SQL package:

    TYPE shiptype IS RECORD (shipname VARCHAR2(40), weight NUMBER);
    PROCEDURE biggership (p_in IN shiptype, p_out OUT shiptype);
END seachange;

    PROCEDURE biggership (p_in IN shiptype, p_out OUT shiptype) AS
        p_out := p_in;
        p_out.weight := p_out.weight * 2;
END seachange;

Similar to previous examples, you can use a prototype DbObject from getdbobjectclass() for binding, or pass an Oracle type name.

Below a prototype object for the SHIPTYPE record is returned from getDbObjectClass() and then a new object vessel is created for a ship. This is bound for input when calling the BIGGERSHIP procedure. To retrieve a SHIPTYPE record back from the the PL/SQL, the prototype object class is passed for the output bind type:

ShipTypeClass = await connection.getDbObjectClass("SEACHANGE.SHIPTYPE");

vessel = new ShipTypeClass({ SHIPNAME: 'BoatFace', WEIGHT: 1200 });

binds = {
    inbv: vessel,
    outbv: { type: ShipTypeClass, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }

result = await connection.execute(`CALL seachange.biggership(:inbv, :outbv)`, binds);
console.log(result.outBinds.outbv.SHIPNAME, result.outBinds.outbv.WEIGHT);

The output shows the increased ship size:

BoatFace 2400

See plsqlrecord.js for a runnable example.

14.5. Inserting or Passing Multiple Objects of the Same Type

You can use executeMany() with objects. See Binding Objects with executeMany().

14.6. Oracle Database Object Type Limitations

PL/SQL collections and records can only be bound when both Oracle client libraries and Oracle Database are 12.1, or higher.

PL/SQL Collection associative array (Index-by) types with INDEX BY VARCHAR2, or VARCHAR2 sub-types, cannot be used natively by node-oracledb.

Subclasses of types are not supported.

Oracle objects with REF references are not supported.

Where there is no native support, use a PL/SQL wrapper that accepts types supported by node-oracledb and converts them to the required Oracle Database type.